Honorees of the annual Asphalt Contractors Association of Florida (ACAF) Asphalt Pavement Awards were announced, and ATS Jacksonville provided the asphalt quality control responsibilities on two of the awarded projects. Duval Asphalt took home the two awards in which ATS provided the quality control – District 2, Roads & Streets-FDOT Award and District 2, Special Project.
The District 2, Roads & Streets-FDOT Award was for the State Road 5A project in St. Augustine, Florida. This project extended from the Bridge of Lions north to Picolata Road. The project included milling, resurfacing, sidewalk, drainage improvement, signals and signing. The crews placed approximately 3300 tons of surface course mix, approximately 3100 tons of friction course mix and about 300 tons of fuel-resistant friction course mix. ATS tested these mixes and roadway cores at the lab as well as monitored density, extracted asphalt core samples and pulled the straightedge for ride acceptance on the road.
The District 2, Special Project Award was earned for Duval Asphalt’s job at Craig Executive Airport in Jacksonville, Florida. The project included milling and resurfacing Runway 14-32, reconstructing blast pads and lighting system upgrades. ATS tested the P-401 Virgin asphalt mix; approximately 9000 tons were placed.