ATS will provide quality control at the plant and on the roadway for Duval Asphalt Products, Inc. who was selected by the Florida Department of Transportation, District 2 to complete this 14.4-mile long project on State Road 5 / US-1. The 14.4-mile stretch begins by the Nocatee fly-over (Cross Ridge Drive) and ends near the St. Augustine city gates (just north of Fairbanks Street). The project includes milling and resurfacing, earth work, shoulder treatment, drainage improvements as well as installation of 24,000 feet of pipe, curb and gutters, traffic signals, lighting, highway signing, new sidewalks and other incidental construction.
The project began on February 28, 2020 and is expected to run 450 days to completion. Travelers on this road will be most impacted during the milling and resurfacing of the actual roadway. To minimize the impact on traffic these operations will be done with single lane closures in 3-mile increments. Milling operations will occur each night, and paving operations will occur each day.
Expected Completion: Late Fall 2021
Total Length: 14.434 miles
Total Asphalt Installed: 80,000 tons