The Association of Modified Asphalt Producers (AMAP) is holding its annual conference and workshop February 5 – 7 in Fort Lauderdale. 2019 marks its 20th Anniversary and ATS’ Pavement Materials Engineer Tanya Nash is on the presenters’ roster.
Tanya will present “An Introduction to Balanced Mix Design” on Tuesday, February 5th, during the workshop. Attendees will pick up these key takeaways:
Review the most common performance tests (rutting and cracking) for balanced mix design
Understand the concept of balanced mix design
Learn the current national state of practice for balanced mix design
Understand how a balanced mix design compares to a traditional volumetric design
Discuss how acceptance testing can be conducted with a balanced mix design system
Learn how to prepare for the future of asphalt mix design
Discuss how acceptance testing can be conducted with a balanced mix design system
Learn how to prepare for the future of asphalt mix design
Discuss theory and reality pertaining to mix design
Tanya will explain why there is a need for a new mix design approach and what is the current national state of practice for balanced mix design. She will conclude her presentation with tips how to get ahead of the curve and prepare for the future.
Tanya is a licensed professional engineering in Florida and Alabama. She is nationally known for her dedication and contributions to the industry and has served on many state and national committees and research projects. She can be reached at (904) 503-5100 or [email protected].
For more information regarding the AMAP Annual Conference and Workshop click here. ATS will exhibit at the event in Booth #6.