The Association of Modified Asphalt Producers (AMAP) is holding its 21st annual conference and workshop February 11 – 13 in Rancho Mirage, California. This year’s theme is “Modifiers Bring Asphalt to Life,” and many of the topics covered will highlight successful modified asphalt projects as well as advances and changes in technology and industry needs.
Tanya will present during the workshop portion of the conference. She will cover Handling Modified Binders (Asphalt Contractors’ Views) and Balanced Mix Design 201.
Attendees of the Handling Modified Binders class will pick up these key takeaways:
- handling of asphalt binder at the terminal
- handling of asphalt binder at the hot mix asphalt plant
- recommended plant operations
- laydown of modified asphalt mix
- asphalt contractor liquid asphalt QC plan
Attendees of the Balanced Mix Design workshop will pick up these key takeaways:
- review the most common asphalt performance testing
- understand the concept of balanced mix design
- learn the current national state of practice for balanced mix design
- understand how a balanced mix design compares to a traditional volumetric design
- discuss how acceptance testing can be conducted with a balanced mix design system
- learn how you can prepare for the future of asphalt mix design
- discuss theory and reality pertaining to asphalt mix design
Tanya is a licensed professional engineer in Florida and Alabama. She is nationally known for her dedication and contributions to the industry and has served on many state and national committees and research projects. She can be reached at (904) 503-5100 or [email protected].